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Writer's pictureBrian Sherwood

What We’re Following Today September 23, 2020

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Billy the Kid

I ran across this article on today about Billy the Kid. Henry McCarty was born in the Irish Slums of NYC and moved west with his mother but when she died when he was 14, he was pretty much left to fend for himself. While legends may suggest that he lived past the infamous battle with Sheriff Pat Garrett, most believe that he did die there that night in New Mexico at the age of 21. He’ll live on in infamy, the sympathetic sociopath of sorts, but when we look at a life started in poverty and a life of a boy who lost his mother right at the most critica point of his formative years, one has to think how his life might have been different (or not) if the family structure was more any rate, there are some interesting facts in here that I never knew and as a fan of Western movies, I found this pretty cool.

Multigenerational Legacies Explained

Recently Ryan Ventura talked about Johnathan Edwards and Max Jukes In his presentation about Legacy with Generation Bridge. I had to look it up because it was so telling about the importance of strong family upbringings and moral teachings within the family. Essentially Johnathan Edwards was a Yale educated Puritan preacher whose family over 5 generations produced hundreds of high performing social contributors including one Vice President of the US, but Max Jukes on the other hand was a career criminal whose offspring over 5 generations numbered in the hundreds who skewed towards criminal activity and economic ruin.

Who you are born from doesn’t necessarily “dictate” what you “can” become, but it does contribute. As a society, how can we help stop these trends? And if this study was done on a meta statistics level, I would wager similar patterns would appear - at which point, we would have to recognize that a familiar Ina downward path needs to intervene in its descent in order to think long term and provide a chance to their future offspring. When we look at contentious divorces that weapons were children and seek to tear apart the family structure, we need to stop thinking so short term and start thinking multigenerationally and seek ways to change our hearts - for me, my conversion in faith has shown me how powerful change from within can be.

Divorce’s Impact on Children

Here’s an interesting article on the impact on children created by divorce. It has some of the psychological implications or stresses that children often experience and some tips to get out in front of it. One interesting thing that stood out to me was the importance of the first year; extremely difficult, full of changes and a need for being on the same page. The sad thing though, not all divorces end amicably with two parents coming in and going out on the same page. I just implore people to look at the situation and ask, is what I do today worth 2-3 generations worth of trauma???

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