What Happens With Your Advance Directive in Other States?
Do you travel a lot? Do you split time between a primary residence in one state and a secondary residence in another state? Have you moved since you last updated your Advance Directives?
Read this brief post on elderlawanswers.com. They share a couple of things to consider when considering your wishes and how they may be impacted if you fall ill away from home. I know it’s a grim topic, but if you plan around it, you’ll be able to put it away and not talk about it again :). But we should all think through what we want, and how we make sure that our wishes are followed no matter where we are located at the time that something unforeseen happens…
Challenges of Shopping for Loved Ones We Care For
Here’s a stat in this article on Next Avenue, that cites some AARP study findings among caregivers: “According to AARP, although 82% of caregivers who shop for their loved ones prefer to do it in stores, 84% end up shopping online because it is so much easier.”
Time is invariably a huge stressor for us who have caregiver roles and are still in the middle of living a life conflicted for time (work, home responsibilities for a family, etc.). Online options make shopping easier for loved ones in MANY ways, but often they are not the preferred shopping experience (i.e., you may want to have a loved one get out, you may want to pick options or see what’s on sale, etc.).
Physical activity can be great for the ones we care for, but there can be some limitations too - parking can be difficult if parking far away, narrow aisles, etc. When we start looking at these stats we can certainly see how and why businesses are starting to create times and experiences unique to those who suffer from certain conditions and those who care for others suffering from conditions. Bricks and Mortar may very well be able to find revenue through creating convenient AND meaningful experiences for caregivers and their loved ones.
An Australian Service Helping Distressed Younger Parents
Let’s face it, some of us are fortunate enough to have support systems that help us when we need it - family, friends, churches, etc. When we have these, we often forget that others don’t have access to any of these and can find themselves alone in their very times of need.
This Australian organization seems to be building something special for young parents on the verge of homelessness, or at risk for other complications that could wind up stripping them away from custody of their children.
Does anyone know of one like this in the US at a national or regional level? If so, please comment on this or send me a message. I’d like to see how I could help their cause because the circular issues associated with children raised in stress can’t stop until people intervene to interrupt the cycle and divert it on another path.
Don’t Internalize Ageism
Do you find yourself saying you are “old” as an excuse for something? This post from Kathryn Saxer in the Seattle Times is a helpful perspective on this dilemma, one that was raised in her client coaching call where a 44 year old marketing professional assumed that a younger up and comer got a position because she was too old…
She framed the wisdom gained with aging in a great way and hopefully provided this professional with a new perspective to approach her life and career. Wisdom does indeed come with time. While Generation Bridge means learning from all sides of the age timeline, life experience is something you simply can’t replace. As you age, you gain new insights into what it is to be like “you.” There is VALUE in that.
Once you have a good framework in place, you can start to see new paths and opportunities that can provide meaning and happiness in your life. It’s a very good read to help establish a new perspective when feeling like we’re aging out of our careers or lives.