Children’s Developmental Milestones
These milestones are not the end all be all of child development, but they are helpful to monitor the kinds of things your child / children should generally be doing at a particular age.
Every situation is different, and some kids are stubborn, but I am a parent who likes to know whether or not my kids are moving along at the rate they should be - or OK, let’s face it, moving faster (I’m competitive)…haha.
But truly, this is a good list provided on Child Mind Institute that was created by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Sometimes children simply can’t tell us what’s happening and we just have to pay attention to some things in order to see when we might need to ask a professional for their advice (before jumping down the worry well).
Sandwich Generation Putting Financial Goals on Hold - Kids and Caring For Elder Parents
According to a poll in Canada, “one-in-three people who have children and at least one living parent say they think they’ll need to support both their kids and parent or parents in the future.” It also notes that females are more likely to state they will than males (although I think there are still questions about “why” this is the case? I don’t know that the gender finding is purely gender…consider - female answering yes may have a husband who is also saying “yes” by default).
But one question we all need to think about is how our changing life expectancy will ultimately change the way we need to plan financially for the future. The earlier we start this process the better. While many teens and twenty somethings will be well served to start planning for their “mid life” and “post retirement” responsibilities earlier since more and more people with caregiver responsibilities will have a financial responsibility in the future.
A Youth Driven Financial App
BayPort Credit Union developed an app “Reality Bite” and won the Desjardins Youth Financial Education Award and the Desjardins Adult Financial Education Award. They created something that helps students to learn the value of money, budgeting and what it takes to be successful long term by being responsible with their money.
They run education programs that help kids to run through the budgeting and saving process within a short period of time to hopefully instill positive financial habits. To date they have reached over 14,000 students - Pretty Impressive.
Great Video Highlighting an Activity at A School Helping Students See What Real Life Will Be Like:
Ageism Perceptions and Reality
This article shared by a friend and colleague Phyllis Ayman, calls out some of the perceptions we might have as we age and continue to search for employment opportunities. Are we experiencing some form of ageism or not?
This is a good article to understand how job searchers might feel and also to recognize whether we are discriminating inadvertently. Are we excluding experience without giving them a chance to say they want the job? Perhaps not blatant ageism, but we may miss an opportunity to get experience on the cheap rather than excluding someone because we think they might be too experienced…
