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Writer's pictureBrian Sherwood

What we’re following today August 23, 2019

Taking a Mini Retirement

While they call this a Mini Retirement in the article it really does just mirror more of a sabbatical. Basically taking time off to reflect, re-energize and potentially reboot one’s life and employment.

But while I may have my own personal qualms about renaming things that already exist and are understood, I do agree with the concept and need to prepare for the event. As we live longer, we may need to take more of these kinds of sabbaticals to prolong our earning potential. But if we are self funding there are some great basic suggestions that one should consider before deciding “it’s time”.

Parenting Advice From Dads Who Have Been There

With a headline like “31 Damn Good Pieces of Parenting Advice From Dads Who've Been there” I had to include this post from Yahoo Lifestyle. But the fact of the matter is that this is exactly what we need to see more of.

Generation Bridge really works best when people connect and share about what they are going through and what they have learned by going through “things.” This is a list of people saying some of the most profound things in their own words - from how to parent to how to be a better father and/or person. If we bottle it all up then wisdom isn’t passed down and we will repeat it. There might be some dads like me out there who can take this to heart and benefit from learning from the perspectives of others.

“Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” — Proverbs‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Children Should Have a Seat At the Table In Financial Conversations

This article in the Financial Advisor Online extols the virtues of bringing your kids into financial conversations early. They note that many “kids” jobs are not really available anymore (i.e., paper routes, etc.) and as such many don’t get that grassroots education about the way money and work actually function.

It’s an interesting perspective but they mention findings about financial preparedness and how that impacts student debt etc. It’s a good reminder on the importance of teaching our children at various ages about how money works and how it is tied to effort and labor.

Caregiver Paid Leave Discussions

This article in Fatherly, walks through the political and business environment around paid leave programs that helps one get up to speed pretty quickly on the opportunities and benefits associated with paid leave programs for caring for another.

Whether new moms or trying to figure out how to provide care for an ailing partner or parent, etc., the process can be stressful financially and emotionally. Add to that the thought that you may not keep your job if you take time off, and I think we can all empathize. That said, the burden to companies, particularly small ones, would be extremely high if it had to be federally mandated but funded at the company level. It could really hinder competition.

I wonder if it could be tied to unemployment benefits with a guarantee that the job won’t disappear? I’m not sure, but I do know if I was fortunate to make enough to hire someone, if I would potentially lose them for 6 months that I was still paying for, I would be on a pretty big mess. So the dynamics are not “simple.” But it’s worth getting educated on now because it will be a way to compete more with other companies for qualified employees and it will benefit our society if people have the time to provide care with as little stress as possible.

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