My gramma turned 95 today. I wish we could visit her more often but she didn’t want to come out East and we didn’t want to force her to. She’s in a wonderful place for now at least until the great spend down ends, but her caregivers shared some pics of our loving gramma enjoying her birthday cake. In our words and hers, she’s a hoot!
Reader’s Digest Outlines Some Bizarre Customer Service Calls
For those in need of some distraction, read through some of these funny, entertaining and even scandalous phone calls that happened in real life to customer service techs.
Financial Impact on Retirement Accounts
So Yahoo finance reported that average retirement accounts fell by almost 20% in this last quarter thanks to coronavirus volatility. Hopefully we’ll see a rebound as life begins to open up and if optimism on treatments / vaccines holds up. But to get an understanding on current situations, here’s a helpful summary article.
