One Place to Look At Info on Experimental Covid 19 treatments
I found this article in Barron’s that does a good job of summarizing some of the treatments being looked at for Covid 19 and where they stand regarding trials, testing and usage. They do a good job listing only the key or relevant information, and if you are curious, this is a nice short piece to give you some information that you may be curious about.
Try Some Older TV Shows To Binge
If we are caring for our elders or simply want to go back to a better time, binging an old show may just be the key. Remember, back 40 years ago, there were three major networks and therefore many shows were truly great quality. I recently just started watching Columbo on IMDB TV, and three episodes in I find myself really enjoying Peter Falk’s presence and character (the genius but awkwardly bumbling detective). And in the credits at the end of the third episode, imagine my surprise to see Steven Spielberg was the director.
Here’s a list of classic TV shows to stream from Indiewire of shows that might be worth revisiting. They have shows on there like the Flintstones, Alfred Hitchcock presents, The Golden Girls (which I got back into a couple of years ago when visiting my grandmother), The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, I Love Lucy, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, Friends, and countless others. Some may be available on Prime, Netflix, Hulu or other sources like YouTube - but perhaps it’s better than some of the stuff coming out today when we might want to reminisce about a time when things weren’t quite as “dark” or scary.
Protect Yourself and Your Wallet During Coronavirus Crisis
AARP just sent out this article to help remind us about how people are always out there looking to exploit negative situations and the fear surrounding them. Be careful. Read this article to understand more about what you can and should be doing in order to make sure you or a loved one doesn’t fall victim to malicious people.