Hospice Care In CT - Setting A Bold Standard
I had the pleasure of touring Regional Hospice and Palliative Care facility in Danbury, CT. What a beautiful facility for those who are transitioning and those who are grieving with those who are transitioning.
Jennifer Matlack, the Volunteer Field Coordinator, walked me around the facility and described how it was different from others. It is a non-profit organization that has been established through the vision of many including its CEO Cynthia Emiry Roy (https://regionalhospicect.org/staff/cynthia-emiry-roy-ms-lcsw-cha/). Some of that vision meant changing state policy and passionately arguing for changes within the “resting home” system.
Not only do they provide in-facility care, but they organize volunteers to help people throughout the community, and they run programs that help children process grief.
I was moved as I toured the facility. Rooms and items donated by families of those who benefited from the program’s facilities, as well as a playground donated in memorial of Sandy Hook survivors. It was moving, not just because of the power of association with the life of someone who has moved on, but also because of the comfort that this entire facility and staff mindset contribute to the families struggling with some of life’s and death’s most difficult moments.
Death is part of life. It’s not easy to process it, but having staff and volunteers, AND a facility that contribute to easing the pain of that process is a really wonderful thing. I encourage you to look them up. As a non-profit they do accept donations financially, but also offer many other ways that a person can volunteer and share their own gifts with people who might need them.