In School Gardens - Great For Our Future
As we get further away from our rural or homestead roots, we lose skills and knowledge that ultimately keep us closer to our food supply - what it takes to grow food that helps feed us through the growing seasons and beyond.
Many families still maintain vegetable gardens, but more out of hobby rather than necessity. As such, having school gardens meant to teach gardening and growing basics will help kids have an appreciation of what it takes to produce the food we eat, how to do it efficiently and also how to help provide the skills needed to help more people produce good quality food in sustainable ways.
9 Ways to Preserve Cash and Reduce Bills
Penny Hoarder does it again. A good list of some ideas to save money, protect yourself or even enter into the stock market a little in order to capitalize as the market eventually rebounds and we are in a “buyer’s” market of sorts.
Dementia And Caregiving in Covid World
Just another article about the difficulties often associated with caregiving in today’s environment. Those with loved ones suffering from dementia deal with the symptoms of dementia, and we sympathize with that, but those with dementia are also likely suffering from other underlying conditions which put them at higher risk for complications that could threaten their lives because of the coronavirus.
If you know someone caring for someone else, reach out to them and see how they are doing. Chances are they are dealing with some things that you didn’t know about and could use someone to talk to or might have some unique needs for help. One thing is for sure, the Alzheimer’s Association is certainly doing a lot locally and nationally to help those in caregiver roles.
