Products Released the Year You Were Born
A great click bait MSN slide show of iconic brands or products that were launched the year you were born. Wonderfully addictive. The slide shows start in 1920 - so I am fairly sure that our readership will all find a brand here :)
Chef Boyardee - 1928
Ritz Crackers - 1934
Mr. Potato Head - 1952 (Creepy)
Stretch Armstrong - 1976
Most recent years are more tech focused…
5 Coping Tips for Overwhelmed Caregivers
Caregiving is an honor and an amazing opportunity to assume responsibility for others who we love, but we can’t romanticize it; it’s also hard work, emotionally draining and psychologically taxing. This isn’t taking a shot at the job that many of us will volunteer to take on willfully and gladly, but just like we know that a marriage is NOT a lifetime honeymoon. And parenting isn’t always just cuddling with a newborn baby.
Most of the most rewarding and fulfilling roles we take on in life are balanced between moments of greatness and bliss and moments of turmoil. When we get into those ruts, we need support from people around us, AND from ourselves in order to overcome the burnout and return with renewed vigor and energy. This article in Dailycaring calls out 5 helpful steps we can take to cope with the strains of caregiving.
set up good routinesuse a planner and calendartake care of yourselfhave freezer meals on handbuild in extra time
The common ground on most of these tips is planning. Sometimes planning can be a hassle, but it CAN help out in the long run. When I plan out my menu for the week, I shop efficiently, cook efficiently and eat better. When I don’t I find myself relying on quick meals that aren’t always the “best” for my family. I don’t apologize for it, but I recognize that when I plan, things tend to flow better and I tend to be less “scattered”.
Technology in Dementia Treatment and Outcomes
The It’s Never 2 Late system is a touchscreen technology to help those suffering from dementia or memory loss to stimulate brain activity and engagement. The research is pretty new, but the indications are positive. Those doing therapy with the touchscreen technology in their rehab practices saw better results than those who did not. At only 100 respondents in each group, the sample size is good, but is a long way from being truly predictive, but the initial positive results are something to watch in the future.
The technology was helping people surpass their rehab goals (I.e., they were raising their arms higher or beyond expected range of motion in order to interact with the touchscreen games). Full findings from the study are available below the news story that brought this to our attention.
Full Research Brief:
